Sjaak Hullekes Opens Store in The Hague

Courtesy DenHaag FM
The retail landscape in The Hague is a charming store richer. Sjaak Hullekes menswear is now officially open in Denneweg. What started as a temporary outlet for the Residence de la Mode last December is now a full-fledged boutique with a complete range including separates, suits, underwear and some accessories.
With walls covered in jute and then white–washed and raw concrete floor ( all done by the brand team and family!) the store has a lovely vintage feel to it. Salvaged doors from an old school building are used to divide the store into three distinct areas. Old metal racks serve to display the collection, glass cabinet holds neatly folded shirts and cardigans. And then there are Laduree scented candles and Sjaak’s artisanal perfume.
It would not be fair to say that Sjaak Hullekes is another Dutch menswear label. It is very much an insider brand with devout following for those who appreciate subtlety, attention to detail and fine finish. Not the rigid Savile Row tailoring but a more relaxed contemporary silhouette and brighter colours.
The quintessential Sjaak Hullekes man is a cross between a hipster and a new dandy, confident but not loud; with innate sense of style and appreciation of craft and tradition. It is said that Kanye West is a fan. Obviously hardly the epitome of subtle style, Mr. West was charmed by the authenticity and the distinct universe of the brand.
The opening of the store on Monday afternoon presided by the Deputy Mayor was nothing like a fashion event where fabulous darlings air kiss and cameras flash. It was an eclectic audience of clients, friends and family. The atmosphere was bon enfant and very sincere.
And that’s what makes Sjaak Hullekes brand stand out – its authenticity and unpretentious charm.
The store is in Denneweg 116. Definitely worth the visit.